Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Confessions of a drug test-ee Part 3

So I'm standing in the lobby, realizing that I'm 3,000 miles away from home, and the sole person who knows where I am, has a phone number that I don't remember. I get the sudden inspiration to call my mother! (Hi mom!) Here's how that conversation went.

Brrrrring! Brrrrrrrring!

Her: Hello?
Me: Um.. Is... Lynn there?
Her: Who??!
Me: *realizing that it was NOT my mother who answered the phone* I'm sorry, wrong number.
Her: Okay, bye...

I frantically hang up and look at the number. Indeed, it is correct. *Thinking* "Hm. Maybe I just hit wrong number. I'll try again!"

Brrrrrrring! Brrrrrrrrrrring!

Her: Hello?
Me: *Realizing that the same thing happened AGAIN* Oh, I'm sorry, wrong number. *I then go to hang up the phone*
Her: Wait Wait Wait, young lady! I got a wrong call JUST a minute ago. What number were you trying to reach? *I tell her the number* Oh well, that's not my number! Okay. Hmmmm. Maybe it's the phone company! I'll call them!
Me: I'm sorry, have a good day...
Her: Okay, you too.
Me: *Hang up*

I realize that I'm (once again) 3,000 miles away from home, and my "When in doubt, call mommy" plan just failed. AHH! Then the lightbulb above my head turns on again! DAD!

Brrrrrrrrring! Brrrrrrrrrrring!

We're sorry, but this call cannot be completed because the number your were trying to call has been disconnected. Please hang up and try again.

It's now 10:24. Calling mom has failed, calling dad has failed... How ever will I get home!?

Stay tuned for Part 4!

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